iPad2 contest or Facebook Marketing?

The latest contest on SonicAcademy for the iPad2 looks more like a viral marketing campaign for a presence on Facebook than a contest for SonicAcademy members.

What if you’re not on Facebook? How do you enter?

[quote]lattetown (31/03/2011)[hr]The latest contest on SonicAcademy for the iPad2 looks more like a viral marketing campaign for a presence on Facebook than a contest for SonicAcademy members.

What if you’re not on Facebook? How do you enter?[/quote]

are you not on facebook?

Hilarious :smiley:

My only concern is non producers (or non sonic supporters) finding a tip online then posting it up, getting all his/her friends to ‘like’ (BS popularity contest), winning the ipad2 then f*cking sonic academy page off by simply clicking ‘unlike’.

yeah but the odds of a non-producer finding a tech tip that bryan or phil will think is tits is pretty slim.

the whole social media LIKE contest thing is going on everywhere at all kinds of companies.

and not just in the music industry.

Yeah it’s good marketing / promotion!

Anyways i’ve put my tip up but i’m not spamming my “friends” to ‘like’ it, sorry.

[quote]Roben (31/03/2011)[hr]Yeah it’s good marketing / promotion!

Anyways i’ve put my tip up but i’m not spamming my “friends” to ‘like’ it, sorry.[/quote]


oh my tips up please like :stuck_out_tongue:

There left my Tip (not penis related)

[quote]Roben (31/03/2011)[hr]My only concern is non producers (or non sonic supporters) finding a tip online then posting it up, getting all his/her friends to ‘like’ (BS popularity contest), winning the ipad2 then f*cking sonic academy page off by simply clicking ‘unlike’.



[quote]jpgetty2win (31/03/2011)[hr][quote]Roben (31/03/2011)[hr]My only concern is non producers (or non sonic supporters) finding a tip online then posting it up, getting all his/her friends to ‘like’ (BS popularity contest), winning the ipad2 then f*cking sonic academy page off by simply clicking ‘unlike’.



if you don’t want to enter then quite simply don’t enter.

Like it says in the rules we chose the winner from the 10 most popular.

its a bit of marketing and creates a bit of buzz AND you get to keep an ipad at the end of it

To be honest I don’t see anything wrong with the comp - SA is an online buisness so it makes perfect sense to me

Now Bryan do you want my address to send the ipad2 too now or later :P:D

[quote]Now Bryan do you want my address to send the ipad2 too now or later :P:D[/quote]


course they wanna promote SA

subscriptions pay for this message board and the vids ffs

who cares if pamela anderson wins the top tip award

she can prob afford her own ipad tbh !

Your nose is looking a little brown Paul :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote]Roben (31/03/2011)[hr]Your nose is looking a little brown Paul :wink: :P[/quote]

Thats cool because I’ll be able to see it in the reflection of my brand new ipad2 - suckers :smiley:

i want an ipad2 :frowning:

[quote]Roben (31/03/2011)[hr]i want an ipad2 :([/quote]

i liked your tip hope you get your…

Least I have the ipad mini! :smiley:

[quote]Roben (31/03/2011)[hr]Least I have the ipad mini! :smiley:


Now get 3 more and do this and you have an ipad

[quote]bryan spence (31/03/2011)[hr][quote]jpgetty2win (31/03/2011)[hr][quote]Roben (31/03/2011)[hr]My only concern is non producers (or non sonic supporters) finding a tip online then posting it up, getting all his/her friends to ‘like’ (BS popularity contest), winning the ipad2 then f*cking sonic academy page off by simply clicking ‘unlike’.



if you don’t want to enter then quite simply don’t enter.
Like it says in the rules we chose the winner from the 10 most popular.

its a bit of marketing and creates a bit of buzz AND you get to keep an ipad at the end of it

im not being arsey about this competition at all… cos i just wouldnt enter (which im not… cos i cba … lol) but anyway…

just saying the voting system on the previous comp was flawed. as is this one, but with good reason this time (draw more attention to SA, which is cool…)

dont worry bryan im not one of these turn coats weve had appear over the past 2 weeks… :w00t: