Is it possible?

Can audio clips be pitched across a keyboard range and triggered via a Midi keyboard without affecting the tempo?

So for instance, sampling an audio clip and playing chords with tempo of each pitched note the same…

I’ve though about this before, because Live is amazing at stretching audio, yet when you drop a sample in sampler and it spreads it over the keyboard it doesn’t apply the same algorithm, and the pitch (tempo) increases up the scale.

You could transpose it up a semitone, resample that and allocate it to the appropriate key in a Drum Rack perhaps.

All this is in Live of course, anything else not sure!

Yes just use your sampler, then assign the keys.

Hold on… i don’t know an easy way to explain this, i’ll try sort a short video now.

Screw it, Camstudio keeps making my computer crash.

Basically you can do it with Sampler, just move your start bar to the area of the sample you want it to start from, then select the ‘root key’ and change it to what key you want it to activate from, then press the ‘Zone’ switch and then allocate the key you want that sample to play from. You’ll notice the green bar in the ‘Zone’ area allocats to all keys, you just need to shrink the green bar to the key of choice.

Then when you’ve done that, just keep loading new audio samples into the ‘Zone’ area and when you do that you get a new sampler added, then just repeat the instructions above for each audio you load in.

That makes sense.

Still don’t understand why this isn’t easier, in a DAW that could do it so easily.

Surely that would just add exactly the same sample to the next key. I think the question is can you keep the speed of the sample the same across all keys of the keyboard but have the sound change as you go up the keyboard as with notes.

So you would keep the green bar scretched across all keys, but the sample doesn’t get faster or slower. I’ve often wondered this.

Boy this is a tough one to explain with english! Anyone wanna try Spanish? :wink:


Basicamente el problema es con como se cambia el velocidad.

Or something like that.

[quote]gavisthename (09/10/2010)[hr]Surely that would just add exactly the same sample to the next key. I think the question is can you keep the speed of the sample the same across all keys of the keyboard but have the sound change as you go up the keyboard as with notes.

So you would keep the green bar scretched across all keys, but the sample doesn’t get faster or slower. I’ve often wondered this.

Boy this is a tough one to explain with english! Anyone wanna try Spanish? ;)[/quote]

You just use the start bar bit on your sampler and drag it to the area of your sample you want that particular key to play.

I find it difficult explaining what I mean so if that makes no sense, sorry.

They say pictures tell a thousand words, i’m really annoyed the CamStudio program kept crashing as the demo video i tried to record 3 times would have been much easier for you.

Roben that Video would be awesome . i was thinking that the best way of sampling that way would be stretching and re sampling over and over the Sample. wich at the end would sound really bad . but oohh well a video would be sweet :slight_smile:

[quote]roben (09/10/2010)[hr]They say pictures tell a thousand words, i’m really annoyed the CamStudio program kept crashing as the demo video i tried to record 3 times would have been much easier for you.[/quote]

Had the same probs too - need to find some application that actually f works on a pc

well you look at that… A question I actually have makes people think! haha! :w00t: That means im starting to understand what the hell all of this stuff means!!! :D:D

It also sounds like we might have another suggestion for a new tutorial!

What I ended up doing (which took forever) was having to resample each area and drop it in a sampler then changing the root key to play on different keys. pretty much like what Roden suggested…

This still doesnt answer the question of pitch changes across the entire keyboard though… I am beginning to think it’s not possible.


What about Camtasia?

[quote]howiegroove (11/10/2010)[hr]CamStudio?

What about Camtasia?[/quote]

I was trying to remember the one you suggested to me actually! I used to have it on my desktop so i did a forum search and all i could find was a suggestion for ‘Camstudio’, so i assumed it must have been that! lol.

I’ll try that one instead, cheers H :slight_smile:

[quote]roben (11/10/2010)[hr][quote]howiegroove (11/10/2010)[hr]CamStudio?

What about Camtasia?[/quote]

I was trying to remember the one you suggested to me actually! I used to have it on my desktop so i did a forum search and all i could find was a suggestion for ‘Camstudio’, so i assumed it must have been that! lol.

I’ll try that one instead, cheers H :)[/quote]

Yup. Camtasia has won awards. Amazing program for PC.

[quote]J.HiZ (09/10/2010)[hr]Can audio clips be pitched across a keyboard range and triggered via a Midi keyboard without affecting the tempo?

So for instance, sampling an audio clip and playing chords with tempo of each pitched note the same…[/quote]

there is the scale which is a sample key follower in sampler is this what you mean ? if you set it to nought then have a play with your samples then the pitch isnt changed up and down your keyboard :slight_smile:

[quote]egg2 (11/10/2010)[hr][quote]J.HiZ (09/10/2010)[hr]Can audio clips be pitched across a keyboard range and triggered via a Midi keyboard without affecting the tempo?

So for instance, sampling an audio clip and playing chords with tempo of each pitched note the same…[/quote]

there is the scale which is a sample key follower in sampler is this what you mean ? if you set it to nought then have a play with your samples then the pitch isnt changed up and down your keyboard :)[/quote]

Can you elaborate more? Where is this sample key follower you speak of?

Where you drop your sample there are a bunch of parameters , scale is to the right of detune and root key :slight_smile:

heres a quick vid sorry its not that great but it shows you can have samples play with out any pitch change when going higher in octaves by using the scale parameter

egg2, awesome video… thanks for throwing this together! just to clarify, you have to record each sample in the note you want before loading it into Sampler correct?