Is there a plugin that tell you what chord you are playing?

He right! You shouldnt cut corners unless your guetta or tiesto!!

Or you just simply love Octagons :slight_smile:

ear training will help this!
wish i could use it but i only have ableton standard and i believe this is a max for live device.

and alot of you guys are toxic as hell. the guy just wants to be able to see the chords hes play as hes playing them. Dont be mad you guys spent all this time learning theory when there are easier ways


You’re re-opening an 8 years old topic here… Might have been the confusion with the time stamp displayed on the topic prehaps, Aug 11 doesn’t means actual 11th of August but August 2011 .

Next to that, if you click on the avatar or user name in a post, you will have a popup window with the user name profile, clicking again on this window will display the Profile Activity page and from there you can see information like Last Post & Seen. In this case this user wasn’t active since 2013, so really a dead topic here.

Hope that helps for browsing & reading on the forums :wink: