Easier than PMing you all… these random digits may mean something to you: 17813284628
I know what I’m doing at 2 a.m. every morning for the next seven weeks!
And no, Slender, it doesn’t have anything to do with wanking or spanking, so you just keep quiet! :D:P
[quote]Roben (25/06/2011)[hr]Easier than PMing you all… these random digits may mean something to you: 17813284628
Don’t lie Jamie, it has everything to do with that really doesn’t it hahahaha
What’s happening on Fri, 25 Jun in the year 2534 at 06:37:08 GMT that’s so importan Roben?
Let’s see if anyone else is sad enough to get that…
hahaha bang that completely thrown me!
Damnnit…I am the worst liar EVER!!! I can’t fool anyone…
[quote]bangthedj (25/06/2011)[hr]What’s happening on Fri, 25 Jun in the year 2534 at 06:37:08 GMT that’s so importan Roben?
Let’s see if anyone else is sad enough to get that…[/quote]
Pleased to say nope
[quote]JamieinNC (25/06/2011)[hr]Damnnit…I am the worst liar EVER!!! I can’t fool anyone…
Oh damn… Just me then that saw Rob’s US phone number and thought it looked like a Unix date stamp, and then went and converted it…
If I had a coat I’d go and get it…
[quote]bangthedj (28/06/2011)[hr]Oh damn… Just me then that saw Rob’s US phone number and thought it looked like a Unix date stamp, and then went and converted it…
If I had a coat I’d go and get it…[/quote]
@ Roben: Cool man. You said you’re free sometime in August right?
I’m not as brave to post mine here, but I’ll PM you with it.
What? You don’t want to know what unix date your phone number represents? Pishhh weirdo.
[quote]bangthedj (29/06/2011)[hr]What? You don’t want to know what unix date your phone number represents? Pishhh weirdo.[/quote]
I think it probably represents the day that the world ends. LOL
Sup bitches!
So i’ve checked out Wallmart, K Mart and tried various american food such as Babyruth and Twinkie, then there’s the fact they call Crisps Chips…
Having a great time though and loving how hot it is every day and evening, so amazing! I wish UK could be like this.
Everyone is fascinated in my accent, quite funny really.
It’s not your accent everyone is fascinated with. It is your pasty, white, lanky English body. :D:P:D
Glad you love our food! Haha. Are we all meeting at the end of July?
[quote]Roben (01/07/2011)[hr]Sup bitches!
So i’ve checked out Wallmart, K Mart and tried various american food such as Babyruth and Twinkie, then there’s the fact they call Crisps Chips…
Having a great time though and loving how hot it is every day and evening, so amazing! I wish UK could be like this.
Everyone is fascinated in my accent, quite funny really.[/quote]
Going by Robens American diet not sure its going to be that lanky by the end of july
Nothing wrong with a little bit of “meat.” :D:P
Ahhh so you have seen Robin in a pair of speedos
[quote]JamieinNC (01/07/2011)[hr]Nothing wrong with a little bit of “meat.” :D:P
[quote]slender (01/07/2011)[hr]Ahhh so you have seen Robin in a pair of speedos
[quote]JamieinNC (01/07/2011)[hr]Nothing wrong with a little bit of “meat.” :D:P
yah end of july works for me.
I’m hoping jamie comes dressed as the techno viking.