Jbridge VST help-

I’ve been trying to get my 32bit sylenth1 to run with my 64bit ableton live 9 on OSX 10.8 via Jbridge with zero progress.br
I followed all the instructions as best I could and have still not come up with a solution. This is the first VST I am installing and I am wondering if it is an issue on the way I have ableton set up- My plugins folder is completely empty.br
Under Ableton preferencesfiles, folders I have turned on both the “use VST system folder” and “Use VST custom folder” (and specified the user/“my name”/library/audio/plugins/vst/pluginsbridgedfor64bitvsthosts as the custom folder.)br
Am I missing anything?br
^I have tried restarting the comp, restarting Ableton, reinstalling Jbridge, reinstalling sylenth1, reinstalling sylenth1demo, drag and drop the bridged sylenth1 file into ableton.:crazy: br

Have you tried 32bit ableton. Plugins working ok in it?

Hey Phil,br
Yes I have just converted to 32bit Ableton and everything is working ok. I was just hoping to take full advantage of running 64bit, but I guess its not that big of a deal. Thanks for the quick response!

don’t know if this is the same issue for you but for me JBridge would not install with permissions set correctly. I had to open the ap in finder, ‘get info’ and then set the permissions correctly to read/write. only then was i able to get the bridged plugs in the 64-bit folder.

Could also try updating your OS and JbridgeM I literally bought Jbridge yesterday for this same reason br
I’m on 10.8.3 and didn’t follow any fancy tutorials concerning making specific Jbridge folders, I literally installed Live, ran the Jbridge app and it did all the work :slight_smile:

So far I have still not had any luck after also emailing Jbridge and them giving a few ideas as well. Seems like I must just have 1 setting wrong that just isn’t letting me do it!br
I have decided to downgrade to live 9 32bit for the time being. I suppose its not that big of a deal unless I start running into memory problems. Thanks for the the help!

Surprisingly Ableton only recommend using Ableton 64bit if you are having issues with memory crashes using 32 bit. br
If you are having no issues running 32bit i would stick with it