Hi! This is my D’n’b remix of “Jonas Brothers - Pom Poms” for Indaba… Can you please give a check and (if you like the track) a VOTE? br
iframe height=“300” src=“https://embed.indabamusic.com/p?p=https://lydian.indabamusic.com/submissions/b8d501ec-b8eb-11e2-a0e4-12313b01d411/playlist” frameborder=“0” width=“400” scrolling=“no”/iframebr
I need some opinions on how to improve the mastering! Why does it sounds not so clear and a bit low in perceived volume? Thanks a lot everyone!
i dont know any of the jonas brothers songs, but your remix seems to be good. I like the bassline and the synth also the drums. br
do you personally like the jonas brothers?br
Mmm I don’t listen to them, but I think it’s good remixing everything to exercise and find my own style! So I found this contest and I joined!
ah. i just listened to the original and i like your’s much better. not because i dont like rock/pop, but your compositions just feels and fits better, in my opinion. good job. let us know how you did in the competition
Thanks a lot man! I just don’t agree with my mastering, so I’m having a mastering course starting tomorrow to improve my skills!
what do you use to master?
Usually Waves (compressors) and Izotope (eqs, saturator, maximizer)! But I want to move to something better like UAD os some hardware…