JWMA - Leave The World (EP Preview Mix) [320KB HQ]


So becouse no one gives you feedback I will try to do that, even thats not my taste of music. what I think when I heard it you was messing to much with the vocal-samples arround. They are sounding somehow ticked off, not really working nice fluently together and as well with the groove. to much of cut and strange pitched vocals. the groove as well doesnt have any drive and does not support the feeling what this track need to deliver. The balance of the volumes is as well not good. Anyway, I think I understand what feeling you want that the track transports, but for my taste he is not doing it right now. So dont worry, just listen to tracks that are similar to what you want to produce and check out every litle details. this kind of tracks are, what I think, living from lots of subtile, small but used precisely details, who decide if the track is cool or not cool.

Hi,PI liked this one, really did.nbsp; Maybe a few remarks on my behalf:/PP-Your drums seem to be looping too much.nbsp; I think this kind of style need a lot sort of fills and bridges in the drum part, like at the end of every 4 or 8 bars (maybe even every 2 bars) mess around with those drums (there’s a tutorial on the site that talks about nested structures, I’m not sure which one, and too lazy to search it :wink: ).nbsp; I’m not talking about big drum rolls or jazzy crash cymbalnbsp;solo’s, but still obviousnbsp; messing around with the overall groove./PP- The pad-like stabs are filtering up to a level where they start to sound too much like a synth.nbsp; In the beginning of the sample you posted it’s a very nice smooth warm covered-up-in-a-blanket kind of sound, but then around 0:40 the cutoff seems to open up and by doing that it loses “warmth”.nbsp; Try using another filter, or try something like a little upcomingnbsp;distortion to get the sound evolving up to the break./PPCheers!/PPNico