Can’t seem to activate the reinstalled kick 2. Sais: connect you account, and goes thro to a none working microsoft edge. My edge and chrome work fine. Tried offline but no key i can find. Read all your info on where it should be. I have windows ten and Ableton. Oh the uninstall and re-install all done proper and bck in c: programs /Vst plugins.
If u can help guys. Thanks.
Welcome to the forums first off !
If you’re having issue to activate KICK 2 using the “Online” method ( Connect to your account… ) then try to use the “Offline” method selecting “Offline Registration” instead.
The machine registration code is displayed in the plugin, use the “copy to clipboard” button to copy it.
You can refer to this other post here : Can't login to validate Kick 2 even though password is definitely correct - #3 by Tekalight
Hope this helps !