If you are a KICK 2 user you can grab the latest V1.05 from your account area right now.
Patch notes below:
- Fixed bug with Keytracking / Portamento behaviour on Clicks
- Fixed bug where KICK 2 would crash when manipulating the PITCH or LENGTH controls
- Fixed bug with certain Windows PC’s on click cycle
- Solo / Mute on a track no longer causes a click sound
- Improved file support for custom clicks
Increased performance & addressed issue where GUI would occasionally freeze on some systems
Auto Fadeout (to avoid clicking) only applied when GATE is on
Fadeout changed to exponential curve instead of linear to reduce clicking
The Length and Pitch sliders no longer snap to cursor position
Meter graphical response has been smoothed
Included Kick 1 Preset Convertor for Windows and Mac
fixed: bug where changes to Limiter lookahead would be ignored
fixed: issue where the tail of the KICK would modulate in certain scenarios when using a very short KICK length
fixed: bug where plugin would crash on closing the plugin window after using the generate function in windows
new: Improved Bezier curve accuracy
Improving the accuracy of the bezier curves may have a small audible effect to existing User presets and existing user projects.
KICK 2 will automatically switch to the new improved algorithm - if you wish to revert to the legacy algorithm, there is an option in the settings window - This will revert the sound back to it’s original state if required. -
fixed: Clicking when using bezier curves in the AMP Envelope (see above note on improved curve accuracy)
fixed: missing presets list refresh when switching category
fixed: wrong octave index in render key display
fixed: inconsistent curve shape when zooming
fixed: normalised clicks not filling the waveform display
fixed: GUI movement on switching to DLC folders
fixed: Changing the limiter lookahead sometimes was not working
change: Render key input now accepts the note name / not the MIDI note number
change: Gate now uses an exponential curve to minimise digital clicks
change: Meters now have a smoother response
- Fixed bug where waveform display attempted to update before waveform fully loaded
- Reduced GATE fadeout time
- Reduced Click and Sub fadeout time
- Addressed issue where the limiter was causing a short sample delay over time
- Mouse pointer readout now displays the ms time in LOG
- Addressed Graphical Issues in Windows
- Initial Release