Kick 2 without factory preset

@GaryOCHHDJ is actually referring to Kick 2 here rather than ANA

Hi Bryan

Yeah all the presets are showing in those folders just not in the plug in itself

Remove the folder with the lowercase p in “presets”

It should be empty

I have done that but It has made no difference and the presets aren’t showing within the plugin

Hmm, rename the folder containing the presets then to a lower case p - that should resolve it

Just to clarify - this bug is coming about with users that have their hard drives formatted to be case sensitive. It not a default setting for Mac - which is why we’ve missed it, but we will rectify that in the next patch

Yes, totally messed-up between the 2 when checking for release’s versions under “my downloads” section, my bad :blush:

So guys, did you sort this out or not? i can not see those presets as well on mac book

Hey @cubensisde

Have you check this & other things in the topic ?? Right now it is still work around solution, if you browse through the topic you’ll find many hints & tips you could try. If after that it’s still not working, I suggest you to open a ticket with support : and use the “Submit a request” top link.

There was no solution provided in the topic and also there was not any feedback.

Just one answer from the first guy “thank you Bryan” and nothing from the other guy who had an issue…

I have tried all those things which were mentioned and nothing helped

If you refer to @Dj_eXo issue ( I still don’t know what macOS version he was using ), this is slightly different as the “Case Sensitive” HDD format issue describes below his posts in the topic.

Though there is not a definitive solution, there is a all bunch of info and things to try in this topic :wink:
Should you fall into the exact same issue as DJ_eXo, then there’s no patch yet.

For the “Case Sensitive” issue, you have to check several things :

  • How is your macOS main drive formatted ?? ( case sensitive or not ) → Disk Utility, select HDD → right click “Get Info”

  • The name of your user home folder and main HDD → Check for case sensitive & any fancy characters

  • Do you have more than one “Presets” folder on even if only one, is it named with capital “P”
    the location is “your MacOSHDD”/ Library / Application Support / Sonic Academy /Kick 2/Presets then you should try renaming the folder with a lower case “p” at start.

  1. Not really sure what exactly i should check here " Check for case sensitive & any fancy characters"

  2. Checked. tried that with lower p… did not help. Also can not understand… I can see the plugin in ableton and i can manage that… just have to upload things right from my desktop and when i try to save it as a preset i can not see that afterwards.

So really do not know what’s wrong with presets.

If you go to Utilities/Disk Utility and select your macOS system HDD anf then right click & choose “Get Info”, you will see how is your drive formatted in the field “File System”
i.e : File system : Mac OS Extended (Journaled)

It could be that you are using the “Case Sensitive” option instead of the regular one and if you do, then Caps letters or special characters in your HDD name or in folders could impact the read/write access to them.

It’s also worth checking if your up to date with the latest macOS version matching your Mac model.
Latest is High Sierra 10.13.4 (17E202) → you get the “(17E202)” info by going to : “About This Mac” → “Overview” and clicking once more on “Version…”

Reading this looks like a permission issue on Mac so you could try to refer to my previous post in the topic & use an App like “Permission Reset” but again, if you fall in a specific case like reported by Dj_eXo then the issue was related to his macOS version and this need to be addressed by a future patch release.

I can understand the frustration but If none of the above troubleshooting seems to help, you’ll need to open a ticket with support and they will sort it out for you a.s.a.p