I bought this earlier as was excited to try the first kick 3 expansion
what the fk have you put bass in it for! It’s a kick plugin ffs. If I wanted to make a rumble I would out it on a separate channel. This is 50 completely useless patches, or sounds that will take more effort to rectify than just making from scratch.
Please, please, delete all those shitty rumbles and just leave the kicks. The kicks actually sound decent but they are ruined with the half baked rumble bassline.
I hate this so much I would actually ike a refund for it. it’s awful!
Hey there @Chrispyfriedchicken
Well, it’s a Techno Presets pack, not for Melodic Techno or other cleaner/softer kind of kicks, so you gonna expect rumbles with Techno kicks, it’s actually what makes them stand out in context of a Techno track.
That said, do not forget how flexible KICK 3 is and if you check the Effects Section, you’ll notice that most of the rumbles are coming from the reverb effect, you can simply bypass this and get rid of the rumble.
There’ also other effects like tube saturation and distortion coming into play, you can adjust your settings or play with the macro to adjust the amount of effects to your liking.
Don’t think you’ll get refund after downloading and installing this preset pack since it’s digital download and you already got the content, but again, you can easily get rid of the rumble and adjust effects to get ‘cleaner/softer’ kicks from those presets.
Hope this helps ! 
Thank you for your reply Tekalight- I’m sorry, but no.
To quote Deadmau5: ‘Kicks are kicks, bass is bass’ A rumble is most definitely bass. Quality techno sample packs do NOT have rumbles built into them because a) most people who make this kind of music prefer to make them from scratch and b) you always should process the Kick and Bass separately. Tempo and tuning is critical for the creation of a rumble and you can’t tune a kick properly when it is covered in crap and drowning in reverb.
The reason I love Kick 2 and 3 is because it saves time. This pack wastes time and creates work. I don’t want to have to faff around switching off unnecessary crap just so I can get the kick. I just want the kick. It’s a kick plugin. It’s impossible to audition these kicks. Besides, the rumbles sound awful. This is because Kick 3 is just not powerful enough to process them properly. The reverb is rubbish and the plugin would be much improved if that was removed completely. Why would you spend all that time crafting a kick and then stink it up with a crappy effect like that? Its totally useless.
I have many Kick 2 packs and I am delighted with them all. I bought this because I was excited to try the first kick 3 expansion. But this is legitimately rubbish and I hate it. I seriously hope you will consider updating it and turning all the crap off so it can actually be used, I am serious that I would like a refund for it, this is a lame product and no use to anyone.