Kick Plugin leaving a blank white window behind after I close it in Ableton

This is an extremely recent problem I’ve been having with Ableton and Kick on
I absolutely love kick and I use it in most if not all of my tracks, mashups, bootlegs, what have you. Recently when I’ve been working on projects, I will open kick and do what I need to do just fine, but when I try to close the plugin, the Kick window just turns white and stays where I had it open on the screen. I can still move the window around as if the plugin was still open, but to get rid of the white window I have to shut down Ableton completely and reopen the project, and with how often I’m fiddling with Kick, it can get very
Pic of the Problem:br
I am not entirely sure what could be causing this problem, I have tried checking for a new version of Kick on my account, I currently have 1.01, which I believe is a tad outdated, but when I go to my downloads folder, the only version I see up for download is 1.01 (Unless I need to download the Beta version, which says it’s on 1.12) I also updated my mac recently but I can’t remember whether or not this was a problem before I updated or not. br
Has anyone else experienced this problem or something like it? If so how did you fix it? br
If you haven’t experienced this problem but know more about the technical side of Ableton and Kick than I do, HOW DO I FIX THIS!?!br
If you have as much technical experience in Ableton and Kick as I do, I hope this never happens to you and have a nice day! :smiley: br

Yeah update to the Beta… it seems stable and will move to release
It will fix the white screen on yosemity issue