Kick seems to hit harder when bass plays?

Say I have my kick hitting on every 4 & my bass sidechained to it. I now eq my bass(Cutting) to make sure I get all the frequencies of the kick that I want.

Now whenever I play my kick in isolation I have my orignal nice kick. However once I play the bass along side the kick seems to be harder than it was before. I don’t know if this is a good or bad thing because obviously it’s better than whenever the bass & kick muddle each other up to producer nothing but mud.

Tell me if you want me to upload some audio or something.



Edit: Heres a file of the kick & bass playing FileFactory

i do not hear any difference when the bass plays (but I’m listenning to it on my laptop monitors):sick:…so I don’t really see your prob but…

Some solutions:

1/maybe both tracks are too loud …

2/ look at your bass’s treshold, ratio and attack

3: maybe i’m saying bullsh*t?:smiley:

Someone see something else?

I hear no difference as well.

Your most likely just hearing a percieved loudness effect, where the dynamics between the sidechain bass and the kick are creating what your percieve as a harder hit to the drum, but the dB’s are still just the same.

Whenever I start to listen to some tunes, I usually turn the music down as soon as it starts playing, but after a bar or 2, I turn it back up. This is the same thing, where I’m initially hearing the music as being louder than it really is, until my ears adjust.

Yeah I listened again & didn’t notice much of a difference myself:P

soz guys:D