I recently purchased and installed Kick2 on my Mac. I have installed and everything seemed fine but it’s not appearing in my plugins folder on Ableton Live. I have read previous topics but not the same issue? I am running Catalina 10.15.7.
Suggest you to try to manually uninstall/reinstall Kick 2 following this support guide also make sure that your Live version is up to date, latest release for Live 10 is 10.1.30.
If that doesn’t work, then it might be Live having issue to scan your plugin, you can try the followings in this order. It could also be a file permission issue on your Mac, be sure to repair permission as well.
1 - Manually Move ( not copy ) your plugins to your Desktop, Open Live, go to Preferences/Plug-in → Re-SCAN then CLOSE Live and manually MOVE BACK your Plugins to their respective location, OPEN Live again and run a new Plugin scan then check if KICK 2 is now showing up.
You’ll find your Plugins here : ( default path unless you manually moved your plugins to custom folders ) and I’m refering to the main MacOS Library here, not the “User Library”.
2 - If that doesn’t work you can force a complete VST Plugin re-Scan, be aware this can take some time. In order to do this, inside Live Preferences / Plugins Tab set the "Use VST2 Plugin-System ( or/and “custom” depending on your setup ) to OFF and ON
3 - If you’re using AU components Plugins, you need to manually reset your AU Plugin cache, you can’t force a re-scan from Live, follow those steps :
1 - In the Finder, choose Go > Go to Folder from the menu.
2 - Type ~/Library/Caches in the “Go to the folder” field & Press the Go button
3 - Remove the “com.apple.audiounits.cache” file.
4 - Remove the ~/Library/Caches/ AudioUnitCache folder.
4 - Resetting Live can also help, you can follow this guide line from Ableton.
5 - Last step is to reinstall Live, preferably using the manual method, I’ve seen this solving issues before but of course you want to try the other methods first.
Hope this can help, let us know if you managed to solve the issue, if you need further assistance, you can also open a support ticket but try the above before.