KRK Rokit RP6 Problems

Hey guys,

I’ve recently bought some rp6 monitors which I had been using with a Saffire 6 soundcard (easy setup really), but now I’ve upgraded (i think) to an Allen and Heath ZED10 FX, which is great, although the rca outputs for the monitors, when plugged into the KRKs constantly buzz, not loudly or anything, but y’know, I’m sure you can imagine the annoyance of a constant humming from monitors in a quiet room.

What would you guys do with a zed10fx and some rp6’s, in order for an optimum recording setup.



I would use the balanced inputs. I think the hum is caused by the use of unbalanced rca connectors.

Had hum with my 5s, switched to 1/4" TRS balanced inputs and it went away

you need balanced otherwise there will be a hum, once you have stuff coming out of your speakers you wont notice it tho its just a little annoyance.

Yeah why are you using RCA? Very important to have balanced inputs/outputs. And I do not think you’ve upgraded by going from a Sapphire to anything, but I could just be biased.

I have the ZED14 and I get no hum with balanced output into my RP6’s.