Need a little help on this one, I’ve been working at the mix down on this all day, trying to add warmth back into the track, getting the kick to pull through just right, getting the lead synths to sit at the front of the speakers, adding a low mid bass… blah blah blah and loads and loads more - anyway I think I might have over done it a bit on the high end of the main lead and I’m unsure about the low mid I’ve added to an atempt to add some warmness… Can someone please have a listen on studio speakers or headphones and give me some areas where I can improve the mix down please - no one in my house to ran it past
Thanks in advance
PS I’ve just upddate the soundcloud from the one that wasnt mixed down before
Wayne Fontaine - The Right Time (Sample) by Wayne Fontaine
Wayne mate I have very flat bass here on my set up but I’d say that the kick and bass are drowning a bit right now.
over did it on the kick and bass or not enough? they are drowning out or they are drowning out the tune? it so hard to get the right balance! argh ok, (go back to kick on bass - on the list) anything else pop out?
Thanks btw
I think everything sounds mixed down ok. You could give the kick a bit more whack and the bass a bit more dirt. I just really dont like this track, it does nothing to me, sorry wayne
no worries Jan, not my usual style but always good to try something new
Yeah definately mate.