I think if all us trance folk put some money together and send Bryan on a nice holiday it will work out for the better. The reason being that the Peak time trance tutorial should be given priority and the glitch step house should will be put on hold…
lol yeah just having a bit of fun, just im really enjoying this trance tutorial and i dnt think ive learnt as much as i have from any tutorial on SA, so i just get in a bad mood that its every 2 weeks instead of every week and thought mabey if we get Bryan away for a while it will be every week lol…
You can all chip in and get me a holiday if you like, then that means two weeks where the messageboard doesn’t have me spouting bllox for a while.
Although in my defence i do spout less bllox than ICN, Slender, Mussi81 and LordDarthVader hahaha… on that thought, send them all on holiday, pref to some dark n dirty minimal techno night in Amsterdam
Although in my defence i do spout less b*llox than ICN, Slender, Mussi81 and LordDarthVader hahaha… on that thought, send them all on holiday, pref to some dark n dirty minimal techno night in Amsterdam[/quote]
+1 but would prefer Berlin if not too much trouble