Lexicon Plate Reverb Substitutes?

Hey everyone, I was just wondering if there was a good substitute plugin for the Lexicon Plate reverb plugin because, as I’m sure a lot of you are in the same situation, I cant afford to spend $600 on it for the effect I want. I know if I want quality productions I shouldn’t cut corners but it’d really be nice to find alternatives. Any ideas?br

I have the lexicon reverbs, but to be honest I prefer Overloud Breverb, get a much better sound, but it has to be used sparingly on buses cause Logic doesn’t seem to like it very much.br
I see Breverb 2 is out now, not sure what it’s like, assume very good.br

Ask Phil - he knows all the good ones!br
He uses them in the tutorials and they sound really good.br

Vahallah vintageverbbr
is a copy of the older lexicons. great sound to it… Valhalla room is worth getting too especially if you like mega big ambiances for like progressive big hits etc.br
for the price they are a total no brainer