Liquid/Ambient Drum And Bass

Work in progress, of course.

Slowburner - WIP by Audioterminal

sounds pretty cool, make it longer!!

cool, yeah would like to hear the full version

Really nice! Lovely warm bassline and mellow vibe, I want to listen to the full track as a matter of urgency! :slight_smile:

Appreciate the feedback guys. I tend to struggle with full arrangements. I’ve got quite a few liquid tracks that are around 2-3 minutes. A lot of the time I’m just working on the “idea” so I’m constantly listening to the same stems I’ve made which burns me out pretty quick. I’m still trying to find a better way to change my workflow.

I hear you! Coming up with the idea is definitely the fun bit!

Would be interesting to get some videos on workflow and the theory behind going from an idea to a full track! I would have hundreds of tracks finished if I had a better workflow! :angry:

[quote]gavisthename (20/04/2011)[hr]I hear you! Coming up with the idea is definitely the fun bit!

Would be interesting to get some videos on workflow and the theory behind going from an idea to a full track! I would have hundreds of tracks finished if I had a better workflow! :angry:[/quote]

Absolutley. I think some of the problem can’t really be helped though. The creative process should be 100% you. Now, maybe some help with organizing initial ideas could prove productive. A lot of my production time is spent finding what would sound good in the “middle” of the track. Intros, outtros, the full arrangement is something that still eludes me.

Would love to hear everyone’s method in this forum for getting from a working groove through to the full track. :slight_smile:

i find if i steal an arrangement when its not working out i can usually finish the track :slight_smile:

Ghost track. Copy arrangement. Fit yours into it. Tweak to fit and “improve”

Simple process for me now.

[quote]jonsloan (20/04/2011)[hr]Ghost track. Copy arrangement. Fit yours into it. Tweak to fit and “improve”

Simple process for me now.[/quote]

May give this a try when I get home today. I have waaaaaaay too many open projects at the moment.

Ghost track is pretty much my method at the moment. It does help. I take my kick and bass to the end with the ghost track and carve out the same breaks. That’s usually where it ends for me ghost trackwise. I then start arranging the rest of the elements on top as I see fit.

Anyone else? :slight_smile:

i usually just nick the beginning and the main section and arrange the rest out myself

Nice warm track man :smiley: