Voice your opinion on the new Logic Pro x. br
Personally for me its a bit of a disappointment. The look is childish and most the new feature don’t appeal to me in the slightest. Logic is my main DAW but i can use Ableton and I’m starting to feel that Ableton in ahead of it in terms of what it can actually do and how easy it is to program and work with audio etc. br
I’ll stick with 9 for now but as time goes on i cant seem me staying with logic in the long run. The gap between Ableton and Logic is only going to get bigger as time goes on. br
i bought my mac for logic 9 less than 4 months ago, now logic x is out and it would be nice to get it but for the same price i paid for logic 9, i dont think so,br
i use logic 9 but keep coming back to Ableton 9 its just so much faster,br
of course it doesnt have the native sounds and the melodyne style vocal editor than logic x has but i may just leave it for now.br
like the sound of retro from NI, have komplete 8 also but not sure if its worth getting komplete 9