New track I’m working on, one word: COWBELL - Would love to know what you masters think plz!
gonna add a snippet from the SNL christopher walken skit in the break later
The Bruce ****inson [Preview] by Maxy_
EDIT: i dunno why but sonic academy put stars over the name, it’s called the bruce d_i_c_kinson. guess they thought i was bein naughty ??
this is sick dude I like it a lot smooth transitions, funky and nice basses. great job. just do a bit more work and make it full length
^^thx, i’m glad to hear the transitions are workin because that seems to be the area that’s toughest for me.
i am trying to set up an intro and outro but am having troubles gettin something that flows, any suggestions?
yeah man sounds great!
WONKY! sick track man liking the transition
^thanks buddy! i just re-uploaded it with some tweaks to the break and added the snippet of the infamous saturday night live skit in there as well, hopin it doesn’t sound too rushed…