Low end in my latest production

Hi guys,

This is my latest finished work. Thought everything sounded nice. Even the big bass bursts in the breaks. But yesterday, on some Yamaha HS80m’s the low end sounded weak. Had to turn up the bass all the way up on the pioneer mixer. The drop wasn’t satisfactory deep.

Anyone got an idea what is going wrong? Is there too much sub that the monitors weren't picking up? Do I have to boost the 50-60Hz region a bit more?

Thanks in advance!

Yeah theres tons of sub.

Have you any treatment in your room… could be you have a negative mode at 50-60hz which is why you arnt hearing the sub… HS80s should still be producing some sub down to that frequency.

Thanks for the quick reply!

Thought so.

So in order to get more punch and power to the kick I should roll off more of the subbass from the kick and bassline? Or is it my master chain?

Cause in master I only have a limiter.

I do have a kick with the peak of -0.93dB on 49.2Hz and the bass with the peak on -7.0dB on 47.8 Hz.

Yeah you could roll it off on the kick and bass… soft slope from about 50-60hz.

Although you might be better finding a more suitable kick if you want more punch… it really depends on what you are going for.

Gonna try both and see what most satisfactory.

Thanks Phil!

defo 2 much sub but nice work on the overall track