Mac or pc

been using decks for years and want to get into serato/final scratch and hopefully ableton but dont know whether to get a pc or save up for a mac book???

what u recommend

most of the time when you see anyone playting out on ableto they are normally using a powerbook

i’d go for one of these if i where you

both Ableton and Serato are fairly cpu light so you don’t need a really powerful computer to run them. Macbooks are nice and portable and have great battery life though, so i’d be inclined to go for a Macbook.

has to be mac for me. i run both serato and ableton at the same time from my mac book

i’d say go for the macbook, i run ableton off my macbook pro n it works like a dream

Macbook or Macbook Pro for Ableton?

i’d say go for a pc. for the same price you’d be able to get a pc with better spec’s.

I’m a Mac evangelist - 20 years deep in the Mac game, but in all honesty it doesn’t matter so much these days for music work. The thing you really do need to bear in mind is that music software, especially DVS systems like Scratch Live and Traktor Scratch, are doing a lot of work and require a clean and uncluttered system to operate at their best efficiency, with as much RAM as you can afford. You’ll get dropouts, glitches, noises and generally shoddy performance if you’ve got a heap of shareware bells and whistles running, clogging up RAM and keeping the processor busy doing totally non-essential tasks when your computer should be doing the important sound work.

i’ve used both for dj’ing with serato and working on beats at home. and to be honest, anymore…it really don’t matter what platform. it’s all about the RAM and what else you use the computer for. if it’s straight dj’ing and you don’t get on the internet with it you can totally rock a PC and not worry. it’s all about how you treat it and what you do with it.

but if you got the money mac’s sure look good. :cool:

well my credit card to paid off again and lookin to hit it this week, gonna get a macbook as my pc is funked up with garbage. will be keepin the pc to use for the internet and the mac is gonna be purely for my productions on cubase, cant wait!