I have just purchased a second set of studio monitors for checking my mixdowns on. I am currently using a Alesis i/o2 soundcard (http://www.alesis.com/io2express) obviously I would like an easy way of just switching between monitors without having to unplug each time, can someone tell me what else is on the market apart from the Mackie Big Knob, and also would the Mackie Big Knob be compatible with my sound card?
Cheers Dave
sm pro audio nano pad
PreSonus Monitor Station
Dangerous Music Monitor ST
Dangerous D-BOX:Combination Summing and Monitoring System
Crane Song Avocet
tc electronics pilot
dynaudio air remote
spl 2 controll,spl MTC 2381
jbl msc1
grace design m904/904b
coleman audio m3ph
google 4 more info
thanks man…i’ll check some out!
You can connect the Mackie via your soundcards balanced output (jack cable).
Other options: Studio Monitor Controllers – Thomann UK - Have a look at the images as they often show the connection options on the back of the devices
I’m not affiliated with Thomann
Im considering this
Seems to get some good reviews