So here’s the deal, I’ve been making a track and I’m wondering whether I should add some vox, if so what kind?br
Here it is, tell me what you think:br
iframe width=“100%” height=“166” scrolling=“no” frameborder=“no” src=“”/iframebr
cheers! :hehe:
Sounds very nice. Vocals could give the Extra-Shine. Maybe some nice female-vocals with some litle vocoder on it, but be carfefull to not make it to kitschy.
Updated the track, changed the bass and finished the arrangement. Now I only need to find a vocalist. Keep the feedback coming.
thats one really positive song man… nice!
If you add another lead sound, but in the higher frequencies, I guess you don’t need
But you could use something like
I think this is the hardest part finding a vocal that matches a tune you made. I usually make a tune with a vocal back in my head.
what do you mean by rank1?
Sound real clean, i think a so female vocal would def sound clean
Wow dude, really ***** nice sounding track! Sounds very very airy and clean. Love the bass and melody. Nice work! I think some vocals would be perfect for this song
Really sweet track fella. br
The mix sounds a little off here - the mid and top end perc is a little forward (too loud) for me. It could do with turning down just a touch. The tom roll just before the drop is a good example of it standing out too
You’ve got a great track. Hope that helps.
Here is the track with vox, let me know what do you think:br
iframe width=“100%” height=“166” scrolling=“no” frameborder=“no” src=“SoundCloud Widget”/iframebr