Hey guys, started to work with ableton few weeks ago, kinda learning it atm. The thing is that I bought an RCA cable to connect a pair of monitores ( prodipe pro 8 ) to my PC , and I feel that the sound that I get is lower that It was when I had my speakers connected with my DJM and It doesnt have the same quality . Is it worth buying anything external … or something ( dont know what ) to solve this . Btw I am hearing a very very small noise when I am not listening to anything ( music etc …) . Thanks
Check if your monitors are plugged into a power source which is sharing a lot of other things. If my monitors and laptop are plugged into the same strip, I get faint buzzing/clicking noises too, but once I unplug the laptop and it’s just the monitors alone it goes away, that may help a little.
Using a soundcard is supposed to be a lot better though yeah, quality wise. Although at the moment I’ve just got my monitors plugged straight into my laptop and it’s still great.