Not sure whether people on here work full time jobs or whether they spend all their time making music but thought I’d offer a way of making money while you do the thing you lovebr
I run a website that basically analyses the UK and Ire horse markets and comes up with bets where you can get good odds value at the bookmakers and therefore wins money by the law of averages. The only thing you need is to be around a computer most of the
Anyway thought I’d put it out there just in case anybody has an interest. Hope Bryan and Phil don’t mind me sticking this up here, maybe they’ll be interested too ;)br
Seems pretty cool, can you go into more detail?
The essential idea behind it is that you’re beating the bookies at their own game, the aim of a bookmaker is to mark his book so at the race start all the bets hes taken on each horse are undervaluing that horses real chance of winning, that’s his edge, but if you continue to beat the horses starting odds over and over you will win. There’s no scam to it, it’s just good maths. We beat the starting price over 80% of the the
If you want me to set you up a trial on it just send me a PM with your email address and ill send over the details, give it a go, if you feel it’s not for you there’s no obligation to continue, so there nothing to lose by trialing itbr