Maybe my first release :) Looking for some feedback


two German producers asked me to do a remix for their first single “Chatakoja”. I’m very happy about that, because that might be my first release as Bill Lizard. Therefore I want to do a really solid and nice production. So I’m looking for some feedback :slight_smile:

Here’s what I got so far - still working on automation and stuff, but it’s pretty much finished.

i like it

The main synth sounds BIG! Definitely carries a lot of energy and drives the tune forward. The breakdown is nice as well, really feeling the melody.

Definately not my kinda stuff, but you can tell it’d work on the dance floor… Good luck with the hopeful release!

I listened to this on the worse pair of nokia headphones so can’t give full feedback, sounds like it’s got the elements to be put onto club floors. I’m not a fan of the horn bass or genre but production wise seems solid