Mcdonalds breakfast

Hi my names is James and I have addicted to sausage and egg mcmuffins for to long

Fat b’stard

hmmm breakfast

[quote]jpgetty2win (09/03/2011)[hr]Fat b’stard[/quote]

I will be if I continue, I’m down to 2 a week now

next time you go get chicken nuggets with barbeque sauce. hands down best thing they have in mcdonalds.

I feel dirty when I eat fastfood, especially MaccyDs. Yuck :sick:

[quote]jonsloan (09/03/2011)[hr]I feel dirty when I eat fastfood, especially MaccyDs. Yuck :sick:[/quote]

So do I. I think that’s why I keep going back :w00t:

food porn!

that is the only thing I’ll eat from McD’s

Its a sin when I do but I only do it like 3 or 4 times a year!

In New Zealand they allow you to customise your breakfast muffins:


[quote]Bouffont (10/03/2011)[hr]In New Zealand they allow you to customise your breakfast muffins:


Thats nearly enough to turn me veggie

Looks like Jan has been at it with the Utility plug :slight_smile:

im predicting a mcmuffin in the morning folks, nice n greasey like your mum

The posts recently have been totally insane :slight_smile: