Hi. In the begining I would like to say that I am still a amateur in music production and sorry for my english :).
So, now I am fascinated in artists like Gregori Klosman, Norin & Rad, Tristan Garner, Promise land etc…
They can create IMO great tracks which are played by the biggest of this world.(AvB,Tiesto etc, etc…)
I can give You a examples so You will know what I am talking about. There is no matter if it is trance or house I think the idea is similar
More House’y
More Trance'y
And my question is... how to make such a good bouce'y main part and match it with melodic break. For example In Gregori Klosman & Promise Land track what is playing in 1:15 its only drums and bass ? In 1:30 comes new sound..
2:20 - 3:20 melody its not a problem but how to match with bangy rest ? And the main part 3:20 - ~ 5:00 how to make so good transition and make people crazy when the main melody comes..
I know its side chained but I am sure its not all.
The similar is in Norin and Rad tune.(pumpin main part, melodic break)
I think it will be modern strong progressive music
I watched the main room house a progressive house tutorials but there are not exacly what I want to know. I hope that somebody help me.
PS. I know I am amateur so if I would please - dont 'eat' me :)
PS2 I tried to search for similar topic on the forum but I cant find it. I am not sure I was looking at all topics so if thats questions were on forum please delete this topic...