Melodyne Help

Ok i’m not too clued up with Melodyne but i do know about it’s uses.

The problem i’m facing is that i’m trying to use it as a bridge on Live 7 to change the key of a vocal i’m using.

The think is that it opens up melodyne and in the bridge tool that pops up on Live 7 nothing apears in the ‘connect to’ section, and no audio is appearing in the Melodyne program.

So i’m not really sure what to do.

Can anyone help?

Or does anyone know of any other programs i can use to manipulate the key??


I’m about to do a reinstall actually and start to learn how to use this but until then why not hit up youtube, great for random tutorials:

Might want to try the Ableton forums, and there is probably a forum or 2 for melodyne as well. I’ve never used 7 or melodyne so I have no idea, sorry bud.

never used it dude. ask video do a dvd tutorial on it that maybe able to be picked up somewhere (extremely cheap) :laugh:

using the bridge is bit hit and miss…

you have to set a loop in ableton then record into melodyne through the bridge… do all your pitch changing in melodyne and it plays it back through ableton.

Ive had probs conentiong to the bridge… just needs a restart of both progs to fix

im using the melodyne plugin now which is a bit easier to set up

Youtube is p*ssing me off, all I find is this dude but if you watch any of his videos they’re so uninformative, I’m not finding what i need at all!

All i want ffs is to take my vocal audio and move it to the key that i want it in, how is it possible for this guy to upload so many videos that tells you absolutely nothing.

He should take some tips on tutoring from the S.A guys.

If anyone can help me here i’d really appreciate it, it’s really frustrating me and holding me back on this tune i’m trying to do.


Heres the guy i’m on about:

seriously there is only one dude thats worth watching on youtube, sflogicninja, this guy knows a thing or two about logic pro

[quote]phil johnston (7/6/2009)[hr]using the bridge is bit hit and miss…

you have to set a loop in ableton then record into melodyne through the bridge… do all your pitch changing in melodyne and it plays it back through ableton.

Ive had probs conentiong to the bridge… just needs a restart of both progs to fix

im using the melodyne plugin now which is a bit easier to set up[/quote]

Cheers mate! Didn’t see this post when i’d replied earlier.

I’ll give this a try tomorrow :slight_smile: