Merry christmas!

merry christmas everyone…thought id get it in early :w00t::smiley:

what are you up to over xmas guys?

Bah humbug

Probably gonna fart a lot (more than usual) :slight_smile:

[quote]ICN (16/12/2011)[hr]Probably gonna fart a lot (more than usual) :)[/quote]

Is that a way to keep the fuel bills down

Nah, seriously… I’m doing some voluntary work…

We’re planning on handing out Dom Sweeten tuts to some terminal masturbators.

It’ll give their familes some respite & enable them to open their mouths just long enough to eat their xmas dinner in safety.

[quote]ICN (16/12/2011)[hr]Nah, seriously… I’m doing some voluntary work…

We’re planning on handing out Dom Sweeten tuts to someterminal masturbators.

It’ll give their familes some respite &enable them to open their mouths just long enough to eat their xmas dinner in safety.[/quote]

Ah so you visiting James then

I dont know his real name… The kids used to call him Boner in pre-school

[quote]ICN (16/12/2011)[hr]I dont know his real name… The kids used to call him Boner in pre-school[/quote]

True :wink:

[quote]slender (16/12/2011)[hr]Bah humbug[/quote]

Cheer up. Its a good opportunity to get laid :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m not talking about you James btw… :smiley:

[quote]ICN (16/12/2011)[hr]Nah, seriously… I’m doing some voluntary work…

We’re planning on handing out Dom Sweeten tuts to someterminal masturbators.

It’ll give their familes some respite &enable them to open their mouths just long enough to eat their xmas dinner in safety.[/quote]

Nah more like twiglet :smiley:

[quote]Mussi81 (16/12/2011)[hr][quote]slender (16/12/2011)[hr]Bah humbug[/quote]

Cheer up. Its a good opportunity to get laid :P[/quote]

I was :hehe:

[quote]Mussi81 (16/12/2011)[hr][quote]Mussi81 (16/12/2011)[hr][quote]slender (16/12/2011)[hr]Bah humbug[/quote]

Cheer up. Its a good opportunity to get laid :P[/quote]

I was :hehe:[/quote]

Fck I better clear the cobwebs down there then

A change of pants too Paul :D

[quote]slender (16/12/2011)[hr][quote]Mussi81 (16/12/2011)[hr][quote]Mussi81 (16/12/2011)[hr][quote]slender (16/12/2011)[hr]Bah humbug[/quote]

Cheer up. Its a good opportunity to get laid :P[/quote]

I was :hehe:[/quote]

Fck I better clear the cobwebs down there then[/quote]

I can sort you out a feather duster! :cool::P:hehe:

[quote]ICN (16/12/2011)[hr]A change of pants too Paul:D[/quote]

Now thats going too far

I’m gonna do some techno over Christmas before monkey no.2 arrives, then I won’t be doing any lol

[quote]slender (16/12/2011)[hr]

Now thats going too far[/quote]

Grand - turn 'em insider out then :smiley:

[quote]ICN (16/12/2011)[hr]A change of pants too Paul:D[/quote]

Yeh they’ve already been turned inside out twice lol:hehe:

[quote]Mussi81 (16/12/2011)[hr]I’m gonna do some techno over Christmas before monkey no.2 arrives, then I won’t be doing any lol[/quote]

You wont be doing a lot of things mate - except watching bangbabes on mute when you are doing the feeds at 4 in the morn :wink: