Michael Woods - Last Day On Earth (DjliciousBeatz Remix)

Hey guys, this is my remix for the MoS DJ Academy Resident’s Remix Comp. I would love to hear what you think about it

Michael Woods - Last Day On Earth (DjliciousBeatz Remix) by DjliciousBeatz

its not the kinda stuff i normally listen to but i quite enjoyed it, well put together and some interesting things going off in it…

I think its good, but I think there is definately space to put the original vocals in if you can somehow get em? Do the Remix Comp Holders not provide Remix Parts?

Another thing is that it seems to me the 3:30 to 4:40 section is considerably louder than the rest of the track. Maybe its just me though…

I’d second those comments above. Definitely would look to use the vocals somehow and yes that part does seem a lot louder.

Great bounce to it though.

Thanks for all the comments and feedback guys.

About the vocals, I agree with you but they were not included in the remix sample pack, it could have been much better but tried my best anyways :slight_smile:

about the 3:30-4:40 it actually sounds louder, I wanted that part to be more underlined, but is it like bad loud or good loud though? I’m gonna have a look at that part, again thanks for all the comments guys. Also you can vote for me from here :


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Its kinda bad loud, sorry.

The best way to describe it is when you go to a club and a DJ accidently mixes something in significantly louder than the previous track, it throws everything off balance a bit and everyones ears are tuned into that level of loudness so the increase ends up a pain to peoples ears.

If you can fix that bit it’d be a much better track all the way through.

I think its that gritty revving bassline you have at that bit, its very loud and it sounds like youve compensated other elements by boosting them at that section which is further increasing the problem a bit.