MIDI keyboards BEST?

Hi guys!

I am going to buy a midi-keyboard for my home studio.

After a couple of hours of internet tracing, I found out that I want to buy a M-AUDIO AXIOM PRO.

BUT I am puzzled which is better to buy 25 PRO or 49 PRO if I mainly plan to use it as a keyboard to make chords…

The matter is that the 25 PRO is shorter but it doesn’t have 9 sliders which the 49 PRO has. In this case, after I watched some video of these midi-keyboards on the official site: http://www.m-audio.com I still don’t fully understand if I really need these 9 sliders or not???

GUYS, pls, I would appreciate your feedback on this matter to help me to decide which I’d rather have to buy and avoid regreting the future!!!

Thanks in advance by return!!!:slight_smile:

really strange question. I have a 49 key keyboard(m-audio oxygen) also and I think in some cases it’s best I chose to do so. Regarding sliders , it’s up to you . I got tired of the mapping on and on and now I use the mouse and mostly the mod wheel for control . I was just using the sliders for envelope controls for sound design so about 4 would’ve been enough for me because I set the volume controls manually. I use the knobs more though. Found them more practical in my workflow. I don’t really need the sliders.

Basically they’re there just to make your life easier but you can do without them.(using the knobs instead for example or no mapping at all )

Anyways the thing is you chose a great keyboard so now you just have to think . What would you use the sliders for and if you really need them.If they’re not important you should save the money difference for another piece of gear you might want :smiley:

thanks for the reply!)

I am going to take a 25 pro then)

I just got a 49 key midi controller and am glad I did. The extra octaves are great if you are planning to actually play anything in. It’s far better to be able to play with both hands at once rather than have to record them separately, I guess it depends on how much actually “playing” your going to be doing.

I only have a few sliders and knobs on mine and rarely use them tbh, mainly just for controlling auto filters in the same way as the disco tech tutorial.

Do appreciate your reply, alanluvsfunk! thanks!:slight_smile: