Hi guysbr
I have been putting tunes together for over a yer and feel things have been getting better however, no matter how hard I try there is always something missing. I have attached links to three of my tracks (I think the problem may be more easily identifiable with the three). br
Fully done and mastered with ozone 5br
Vocal ripped - one of the problems with this track — Stream Lana Del Rey - Young And Beautiful (DILLON Remix) by [MDMD] | Listen online for free on SoundCloud
Only started this but may give a hint to what’s wrong —br
SoundCloud - Hear the world’s sounds
Thanks guysbr
Mark Dillon
cool will have a listen tomorrow when i can get the speakers up louder.
Cheers Phil!
First Track.br
Kick sound too Big to me. Modern kicks tend to be a lot softer subbier kicks with a simple click… there are some good ones in ultimate drums main room house.br
Chords: in the drop you have 3 different chord progression going on… there should only really be one with maybe a lift on the second part just taking the top line up an octave or using a different sound. You need to get the chords more solid sounding too.br
It sounds like not all hits have the same number of notes playing. Normally i use 3 note chords for the body then a bass note an octave down just the route note of the chords. then i have a melody line up top following the same rhythm as the chords.br
I think you could also work on better chord structures… some notes sound a bit of in places. keep the base chords simple to begin witg then try a different bass note in a few places to try to make it more interesting. but dont over do it… maybe an inverted or changed bass note chord 1 out of the 4 is enough to make it sound interesting.br
Ive posted thiobject width=“640” height=“360"param name=“movie” value=”//www.youtube.com/v/UhZlO4IpEP8?version=3amp;hl=en_US"/paramparam name=“allowFullScreen” value=“true”/paramparam name=“allowscriptaccess” value=“always”/paramembed src=“//www.youtube.com/v/UhZlO4IpEP8?version=3amp;hl=en_US” type=“application/x-shockwave-flash” width=“640” height=“360” allowscriptaccess=“always” allowfullscreen=“true”/embed/objects before but its a perfect example of everything im talking about.br
Thanks Phil I appreciate the help. I complicate the chords so that the drop is heavier. I tried being more minimal but it reduced this any ideas ?
Having multiple layers is fine… its just that there are areas where notes maybe arent hitting at the same time… i think i heard maybe a note on its own at one point. this takes away from the heavyness of the riff/chords
Thanks Phil, Ill add this to my tracks !
I really like the Atmos track, its got a great vibe too it! Although I found it quite hard to follow, as I was expecting certain things to happen and they didnt :hehe: br
I really liked the synths that you’ve got goin on though, they sounded LARGE!
Cheers man nice track there to btw!
Thanks Mark, much appreciated!