Mixing Bass Tutorial: EQ Phasing issue resolved with Live 9 EQ?

Hi Phil,Kirk,br
I have rebuilt the bass processor which Phil introduced in the “Mixing Bass”-Tutorial (=very good one!) and faced same phasing issues as described there, when splitting up frequencies via chains and Autofilter. br
My question is if the split can be done via EQ-8 also. I tried and think that phasing is less noticeable, but still there. Could you maybe check if the Live 9 reworked EQ-8 will be better in that respect, or would it still be required to use a professional EQ like Fabfilter Pro-Q in order to achieve overall better sound without getting into phasing problems?br
Also, Phil, is there any reason for using the Autofilter when cleaning up tracks via Hicuts, instead of using EQ-8? Other instructors (e.g. Timothy Allan) are using EQ-3 for that purpose, saying that EQ-8 is not cutting 100% properly, but is always leaving a little bit of sub rumble, hence not really suitable for cleaning tracks from unwanted low frequencies.br
Thanks in advance-br

you need a linerar phase EQ to get zero phasing when splitting stuff… heres a free one… havnt tried it properly yet tho… will do in a few mins

I use autofilter just for ease of use… you can use anything really…

You could try autofilter, that’s pretty good at fully removing frequencies. I know what you mean about EQ 8, i find myself that you still get frequencies coming through, weird. I found just using the Waves EQs for absolute cutting seems to work for me. But lets hope the new Live9 update will be solid.