Monsieur electronique - i really need you


yesterday i just finished this new track

please check it out and send me your review


any feedback is higly appreciated

tks/ dimitris

Hey,dimitris , yor music is getting slicker man !:cool:

heres what stood out for me in i really need you good and bad !:slight_smile:

first like the red (dave clarke )flavour

47 secs nice synth pads type sound that comes in works really well

158 nice smooth breakdown like it

332 ,main part of the track comes in solid and sounds like its on its way to being a releasable track !.. obviously from what you said its a work in progress so maybe it could do with being a little bit shorter

7.07 secs the pizz sound i feel ,doesnt work at all and sounds out of place … on the whole a really solid effort keep doing what your doing man well done:D

hey man,

many thanks for spending your time in making an analysis of my track…

i really appreciate it… :wink:

hopefully i will make it better…

again thank you

Hi Dimitris,

Just had a listen to I really need you. Really impressed!!! I think ur very close to having a track thats ready to be released.

The only comments i’d make is that it is a little long, I think if you trim the track by a minute, perhaps around the break it might improve it. Thats only my personal opinion tho.

I agree with egg2 that the pizzicato synth that comes in around 7mins doesn’t really sit too well with the rest of the track. I would maybe try a few different patches and see if theres a synth sound that would compliment the track more.

Overall, very good track. :slight_smile:

I had a listen to Midnight and I was really impressed, really nice melodic prog vibe to the track. It has great potential. Keep working on it man and feel free to send any updates it to my soundcloud account “Michael Gallagher” :smiley:

