More stickies?

Hey I was reading through the forums and there’s quite a few long posts giving real good info on all aspects of music production but they all seem to get lost in the post! Mabey it’s a good idea to make one topic with links to different helpfull threads or one of the SA guys should have a browse through the forums and select what they think are helpfull threads and sticky them. I just think it is a good idea for a reference point, there are some real helpfull threads and you know how people are scared of using the search function lol so instead of having hundreds of topics asking the same thing this might solve the problem. If this is a horrible idea and I’m being a whiney bitch I do apologise lol!

no no dude, not at all. bry and phil just bought SA, so things are probably gonna come along kinda slowly for a while. but im sure it will get up to speed soon. shoot jon an email or pm.

It’d be great to have some kind of tag based system, with a suggestions of similar threads at the bottom of the page as you are navigating around the site.

Also, to have a list of similar topics already posted (based on the words in your “New Thread”) - Pop up as a suggestion to read before you Post.

Its on another that I visit - I’m sure Howie has seen it too & to be honest, it looks like a LOAD of work. Its a great idea, definitely the right one… but you are never going to stop people posting the same Q over & over. But it is a pity that there is a lot of great info spread over the 10 corners of the w/site.

You can link directly to Posts within threads…

So you could, in theory , have a Locked Sticky with a Post on each major topic… Kicks, Bass, Synths, Vocals, Monitors… etc… & ask the Original Poster / Members,  to contact Mods with a link to a post that they think is might be helpful. Its obviously then at the Mods Discression?

Only problem is that people will not read the Sticky. So it could be a futile effort - LOL :smiley:

yeah, regardless of what happens, people will disregard the stickies and they will still ask the same question over and over. I will say though that the user council has brought this up before (or something similar).

you could do someting like have an FAQ section pinned at the top of this forum with all the really helpful stuff all in one place.

Oh thats right we already do and have done for a full santa beard.

-1 internet points for all involved :stuck_out_tongue:

as the post says PM bry to suggest topics.

I love you guys

I did see the FAQ thread Phil but there’s sooooo much good info on these forums that isn’t in there.

was only avin a wee joke… pm any suggested forum links to me or bry

Ok I’ll have a browse and pm you some suggestions Phil, I wasn’t havin a go lol I appreciate your humour but I want my Internet point back!