Multi Band Compression


wondered how many of you actually use multi band compressors or just snigle band. if you do use MBC, in what instances do you use it? on the bass? on the kick? or just when doing some home mastering?

iI use in a mastering chain really , i actually like lives one for some reason :slight_smile:

a Sound Ingenieer told me that i shouldnt mess with it . unless you know to use it very well . i think its is more focused towards mastering for me and not like a single channel FX. i sincerely dont know to use it correctly so i would say that leave that alone unless u know how to use it well

thats what i wanted to know, if you guys use it as a single channel FX, if so then ill get deep into learning how to use it 100% properly.

yeahh man ! what u do in a single channel with the MB compressor is to compress separate Frequencies rather than the whole Frequencies ( like a regular compressor) . as long as i know u dont need to mess with the channel frequencies ,( EQing and regular compressing does it ).

so i think its usually used for mastering purposes only .

its used on vocals sometimes, so just wodnered if others use it on kicks. controlling the crack/snap oomph and sub etc

[quote]jpgetty2win (23/06/2010)[hr]its used on vocals sometimes, so just wodnered if others use it on kicks. controlling the crack/snap oomph and sub etc[/quote]

i guess that is more advanced MB compression when u apply to a vocal . i am sure there is frequencies that need to be louder than other but i am sure EQs, Envelopes and regular compression works fine on them . i would suggest to do some research and let me know too because i am lost in that aspect of using MB compressor as a regular insert .