Music Theory - Beginner's Guide To Music Theory / 1491

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If you’re just starting out, we know how daunting the term ‘Music Theory’ can be!

Well, here at Sonic Academy, we’ve got you covered with a course designed specifically for those of you using Digital Audio Workstations who are looking to produce electronic dance music but want to know the basics.

Over these quick videos we’ll look at some of the terminology, rules, structures and tools that will help you stay in key, write epic melodies and flowing chord progressions along with interesting rhythms and bass lines when producing your tracks.

Although it takes years of learning and practice to fully understand music theory, these videos will help get you started on that journey and give you the fundamental tools to start writing.

Check it out!

In the video for Chords, at the end of the video, there are a number of options for locking chords eg: Chord Track in Cubase. Is there anything like this in Bitwig Studio, or a plugin to Bitwig that does the same?

I think the “Multi Notes” device in Bitwig can help with chords progressions.

There’s also a workaround to lock scales in the piano roll which basically is entering all Midi notes from the desired scale in a clip but before the 1:00:1 playback time region and then “fold” the piano roll view, you’ll only see and can input the notes of the scale you’ve set outside the playback region then.

But definitely look further into the “Multi Notes” device and what it does, you can also use several instances to shape chords more easily inside Bitwig.

Hope this helps !

Cheers :wink:

great tutorials and right to the point

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A goldmine of information in just 35mins.

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I second that comment, KCTV. Any more planned?

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Great course for beginners or if you have been away for music for a while.

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Welcome to the forums and thanks for your comment & feedback ! :wink:

Great resource for getting into music production! Thanks for this :smiley:

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Welcome on board and thanks for your comment ! :sunglasses:

really useful!

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I really enjoyed it, finally I understand some concepts with I was confused.

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Welcome to the forums and thanks for your comment ! :sunglasses:

thx guys amazing job

really helpful !

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Good tutorial. Clearly presented and lot’s of information in concise format.

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Welcome aboard on the forums & thanks for your comment ! :sunglasses:

Good tutorial, loads of helpful information and very well presented thanks guys!

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Great content, especially because you relate the theory to how to use it in particular DAWs.

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Would love a printable single-page cheat sheet of the keys and scales!