Music Vs. Sport

Just wondering Guys - Do all of you have a big passion for Football, Sport in general?

or is Music your biggest interest?

Noticed that with the exception to the Sonic World Cup & a few World Cup Posts - there is zilch reference here to most sports (bar boxing etc… recently).

Personally, I’ve never had much, if any interest in Sport. Never played on any teams when I was younger - or supported a Football Club. However, supported the National Football team though -  and ALWAYS watch World & European Cups. But nothing like a daily, weekly interest.

Always played in Bands / bought music / read books / magazines & had an almost encyclopedic knowledge of Music, for as long as I can remember.

Just wondering what the profile of everyone else here is?

I was always into football when I was younger, played alot even did a tour around Holland and got asked to try out for millwall but that all stopped when I started going clubbing when I was around 15/16.

Nowdays I am in college studying music tech and producing when at home so that takes upto around 40/50 hours a week(maybe more). Do try and watch a few games of footie a week down the pub but don’t play anymore and I have also got a bad addiction to fantasy football!

Haha - Yeah, thats it… Going out - Killer.

I have no idea what player’s play for which team when it comes to football and i don’t play myself but do still really enjoy playing it on the 360 with my lad.

apart from fighting sports i have no interest what so ever in sport.

My life consists of Music Music Music, Drink and going out… not as much on the going out front theses days, but I do like a good house party. oh and computer games sometimes. Oh and lets not forget the son & the Mrs! Then work but I’m lucky at the mo as I dont have to work to much being self employed.

No time for sport. I did play rugby up until about 13 or 14… then I discovered drink & clubs… :slight_smile:

I’m really selective about the sport I like, I much prefer watching K1, Kickboxing or Mauy Thai but because it’s rarely ever on Sky / Tv i just don’t really get to see it.

The closest to martial arts ever on Sky these days is MMA and to be honest, i don’t find it as interesting as the above sports.

Football bores me.

Rugby is alright, it’s more interesting than football and don’t mind watching when it’s England v

Tennis bores me.

Snooker bores me.

Darts bores me.

Cricket bores me.

Formula 1 bores me.

Rally is awesome but rarely watch it.

So yeah i guess i’m not too into sports.

My main passions and what i actively do at the moment is music, weight training, kickboxing and PC games.

I love to practice Judo , but i sincerely haven’t had time to practice at all lately.

harder to do sports especially when your family and responsibilities grow :frowning:

I guess part of me is lucky and another part isn’t, because i don’t have a kid like a lot of you, although it would be really nice to have a kid, i’d love to have kids one day. But at the same time, I know i’m not ready for one yet, and I certainly couldn’t look after one at the moment, barely look after myself! lol.

I hope one day that changes though, life is one hell of a wild rollercoaster.

I’m off to play some football tonight.

I was always a rugby boy at school but I don’t really follow much in the UK any more.

Since living in Canada I’ve really got into watching Ice Hockey.

i do nothing but music. either listening, writing, or playing my guitar. might watcha movie when i come in from work to wond down too, nut then its onto the guitar for the rest of the evening.

used to do tae kwon do, but realized its a waste of time. well no actually, the mount of work you put it isnt worth what you get out in practical use. learning all the korean and patterns etc etc… and u cant really use it in a club cos u cant swing ya leg round to whack some twat cos of how crowded it is… lol

if you really wanna spend a shorter amount of effort on a martial art and it be extremely useful then get into krav maga… its the shizzle… you certainly get more out then the amount of effort put in. learnt more useful info in 5 classes than 5 years of TKD. not done it for a few months cos i couldnt be bothered getting in from work and rushing some food down then making the trip out again in the cold. (lazy is the word i spose) but i havent given up the love and respect for it.

I dont a bit of kung fu when I was younger, forgot about that! Also I watch a load of movies! love scifi stuff :slight_smile:

[quote]jpgetty2win (02/10/2010)[hr]i do nothing but music. either listening, writing, or playing my guitar. might watcha movie when i come in from work to wond down too, nut then its onto the guitar for the rest of the evening.

used to do tae kwon do, but realized its a waste of time. well no actually, the mount of work you put it isnt worth what you get out in practical use. learning all the korean and patterns etc etc… and u cant really use it in a club cos u cant swing ya leg round to whack some twat cos of how crowded it is… lol

if you really wanna spend a shorter amount of effort on a martial art and it be extremely useful then get into krav maga… its the shizzle… you certainly get more out then the amount of effort put in. learnt moreusefulinfo in5 classes than 5 years of TKD. not done it for a few months cos i couldnt be bothered getting in from work and rushing some food down then making the trip out again in the cold. (lazy is the word i spose) but i havent given up the loveand respect for it.[/quote]

I used to do Senshido, there’s a lot of argument as to which is more efficient at reality based self defence. I personally prefer Senshido as you don’t use punches, which are a fantastic way to break bones in your hand. There’s plenty of argument that if you punch right you wont break bones in your hand but if there’s three people on you at once it’s pretty difficult to hit right. Senshido teaches palm strikes.

I used to live and die Skateboarding.

Many people will think this not a sport, and are probably right. But a physical activity it most certainly is. I’ve never done anything so truly high impact as skating. Best thing in the world. For me a very close contender to the whole music thing.

I don’t know why, but for some reason you just cant explain the feeling of landing a new or daring trick. It’s unreal. Music is the same, but in a more slow burning way.

Conventional sports can suclk my balls.

A friend of min tried to suggest I didn’t like football cos I wasn’t good at it. The thinking being that we naturally like things we are good at. That maybe true, in the positive end of the spectrum, but just check any Sunday league team and you’ll soon see there are plenty of bad players that still like it.

[quote]bouffont (02/10/2010)[hr][quote]jpgetty2win (02/10/2010)[hr]i do nothing but music. either listening, writing, or playing my guitar. might watcha movie when i come in from work to wond down too, nut then its onto the guitar for the rest of the evening.

used to do tae kwon do, but realized its a waste of time. well no actually, the mount of work you put it isnt worth what you get out in practical use. learning all the korean and patterns etc etc… and u cant really use it in a club cos u cant swing ya leg round to whack some twat cos of how crowded it is… lol

if you really wanna spend a shorter amount of effort on a martial art and it be extremely useful then get into krav maga… its the shizzle… you certainly get more out then the amount of effort put in. learnt moreusefulinfo in5 classes than 5 years of TKD. not done it for a few months cos i couldnt be bothered getting in from work and rushing some food down then making the trip out again in the cold. (lazy is the word i spose) but i havent given up the loveand respect for it.[/quote]

I used to do Senshido, there’s a lot of argument as to which is more efficient at reality based self defence. I personally prefer Senshido as you don’t use punches, which are a fantastic way to break bones in your hand. There’s plenty of argument that if you punch right you wont break bones in your hand but if there’s three people on you at once it’s pretty difficult to hit right. Senshido teaches palm strikes.[/quote]

ye i agree with the bone breaking thing. my instructor also teaches to use open hand attacks. i asked if its BETTER than punching, he said no… but SAFER… and theyll probably feel a slap more than a punch if theyre p!ssed lol

It depends on the person punching. Did you know that your bone structure will develop depending on your sport.

For example if you look at footballers, they have thicker leg bones.

Just like a thai or kickboxer, their shin bones strengthen and build to cope with the stress of repeated kicks to those sand bags.

When the body is put under repeated stress the body it will build and develop itself to counter it, it’s really interesting because it’s not just the muscles that change as we all know but your bones do too.

With that in mind, if you regularly hit pads, you’re likely have thicker and stronger bones in your fingers / wrist than your average joe.

I think this is how you see in some martial arts they can break wood with their fingers.

Never under estimate the body.

Thats interesting roben - I used to play cricket 3 times a week as a fast bowler and used to coach youngsters - then all off a sudden around my 30th brthday I started getting incredible pain in my neck and shoulder - after seeing a doctor and a specialist they reckon that the bone off the neck has worn down and am not able to play since - infact it still stff if i lift my right arm above my neck

i like a bit of football and support west ham. i dont go very often but i always look out for their results (you can hardly say there results as they lose most of the time. i only really watch the champions league stuff  and im totally fu)+ed off with england and havent watched any games since their shocking world cup exit

f1 is where it is for me and im a massive lewis hamilton fan. i go to silverstone most years as its only 20 mins up the road from me! already got tickets for 2011. ill stop producing to watch the f1 when its on! i also like any form of motorsport

like boxing dont get cricket.

but dance music is by far my biggest interest and has been for 20 years.

[quote]Mussi81 (03/10/2010)[hr]i like a bit of football and support west ham. i dont go very often but i always look out for their results (you can hardly say there results as they lose most of the time. i only really watch the champions league stuff and im totally fu)+ed off with england and havent watched any games since their shocking world cup exit

f1 is where it is for me and im a massive lewis hamilton fan. i go to silverstone most years as its only 20 mins up the road from me! already got tickets for 2011. ill stop producing to watch the f1 when its on! i also like any form of motorsport

like boxing dont get cricket.

but dancemusic is by far my biggest interest and has been for 20 years.[/quote]

Never been a big footie fan (I was born near Aldershot and always supported them) but used to go to Upton Park a few times with mates - definatly my favourite ground to watch football at

Also a big F1 fan - shame Hamilton can’t finish a race recently - don’t really have a favourite driver - so long its not Alonso can’t stand the man :slight_smile: