Musicmesse 2011

Any cool stuff catching peoples eyes?


Just thought I’d post this, cos I was like What-the-fkking-FKK?!!

Roland Jupiter 80

Will be interesting to see what the craic is with it. It looks like those Fantom workstations.

The vid doesnt get too deep… but its a Digital / Virtual Analog / Rompler.

Wonder how it’ll compare with its predecessor in the history books? Doubt it’ll be as legendary as the J8.

<EMBED height=390 type=application/x-shockwave-flash width=640 src=Roland Jupiter 80 demo at Frankfurt Musikmesse 2011 - YouTube allowscriptaccess=“always” allowfullscreen=“true”>

Yeah, Korg’s new Montribe. Pretty sweet too.

Roland Jupiter 80 looks damn ugly though

[quote]slender (08/04/2011)[hr]Roland Jupiter 80 looks damn ugly though[/quote]

Its sacrilege!

Wonder if the price of the old ones will go down, now the upgrade is out? :wink:

Honestly, IMO, Roland doing what they did to the Jupiter completely ruins the name. That should be an analog monster and stay that way. So lame.

I just got back from there, and for my money the highlight was the DMA1 from Dark Matter

Korg looked interesting/fun and the new Novation Twitch also.

That twitch looks interesting…

Whats the dark matter thing exactly?

Well it’s a bit weird… but basically it’s a box that has loads of audio inputs, plus HDMI, usb blah blah.

It has a touch screen interface to a unix based OS which allows you to basically change the purpose of it as you wish. Load a keyboard app and you have a touch screen keyboard. Put it into guitar effects mode and it’s an effects box etc.

The cool thing is you can make apps for it to do what you want, and you can chain the effects etc, just drop them into the chain like in Ableton. They had a version of Camel Phat ported over to it for example.

Really this thing has lots of potential, especially when they open the SDK and developers can make it into whatever they want.

Can you view pics on it too? :wink:

Sounds class… were you there for long?

I dont know if its a native feature, but it supports mp4, so I dont see why not. The cool thing is just how adaptable it will be I think.

Will really appeal to the home brew/Max MSP style crowd too I reckon, and a few killer apps on it could make all the difference.

I was out there two days, got back this morning.

I’m thinking P0rn for the lonely musician… Spare a thought! :slight_smile:

[quote]ICN (08/04/2011)[hr]I’m thinking P0rn for the lonely musician… Spare a thought! :)[/quote]

Oh you mean all of us here then :slight_smile:

Thats why they put folders in Phones y’know! :smiley:

You can’t beat a mag though. It’s a bit like vinyl vs cd :hehe:


The needle gets worn after a bit too… :smiley:

My vid of Twitch:

[quote]ICN (08/04/2011)

Just thought I’d post this, cos I was like What-the-fkking-FKK?!!

Roland Jupiter 80

Will be interesting to see what the craic is with it. It looks like those Fantom workstations.

The vid doesnt get too deep… but its a Digital / Virtual Analog / Rompler.

Wonder how it’ll compare with its predecessor in the history books? Doubt it’llbe as legendary as theJ8.


I don’t know…I loved Roland’s stuff in the past, but this thing looks like marketing gone bad–slapping the Jupiter colored buttons on a Casio. If you want to sound like acoustic instruments, hire studio musicians–if you want to get an idea of how to score, then this really didn’t fit the bill.

Alas, I don’t think they know their market for the J8…I would never buy this :frowning:

Thanks James for the vid - looks like it could very well be sitting in my studio for that price if it includes Serato and with Serato’s bridge and Ableton - seems to be a solution I may be very well looking for as a live set up

What was the build quality like ?

It seemed good, Novation stuff always seems well built imo, this is smaller than you first thing, but felt solid enough.

I’d be tempted if I didn’t have Traktor S4

Thanks James looking forward to giving it a try out - another bloody thing to save up for :smiley: