Very different than some of the other tracks I’ve done. Once again, an incredible SA tutorial paved the way.
Feedback, comments, criticisms welcomed and encouraged. Here she is in all her glory!
This sounds awesome…this is your first?? Jeez…I have a lot of catching up to do lol.
Thanks! Yep, it’s numero uno!
Great track!
Kick and bass sound great together! Nice synth release right before the first break at 1:00. At 1:29 the synth was a bit too loud, I couldn’t hear the vocals. But then again, the synths seem to power the track and the vocals just cruise along. At 4:08 the massive saws really drive the track to a erhm…CLIMAX! lol. Great track man, good work, I am impressed.
How long have you been producing?
Thank you. To be fair a lot of how this remix was structured was based on an SA tutorial. I didn’t follow it exactly but structured it very closely after how it was done in the tutorial. I think it happened to fit this track very well so the results are good.
Been producing about 9 months.