My Chromeo - Hot Mess Remix

Hey my fellow SA’ers… Was hoping for some comments/critiques of my rmx of Chromeos - Hot Mess… (not asking for spins)

I just cant get the saw wave bass i made to “POP” if you catch my drift… I was trying to get something close to the sound of Dada Life’s White noise/Red Meat bass that is just so “In your face”… If anyone can help me with what im missing on the bass or anything else, it would be greatly appreciated… Want to tinker with the track as time permits and hopefully make it better with your input… Thanks…

dont know the original but this was pretty deep and groovey, good work :slight_smile:

I don’t know if it’s late and I’m going crazy but the bass feels a little too… sharp… The bass is what’s driving this track however it sounds like it sticks out a little too much in the mix… I might be talking out my other hole :stuck_out_tongue: the productions tight otherwise mate well done


Sharp as in bright or sharp as in off key?

cricket… cricket