My entry for plastikman competition

I decided to have a go at Plastikman - Ask Yourself competition…

Feedback welcome :slight_smile:

PLASTIKMAN - Ask Yourself ( Maligne Remix @burnstudios) by Maligne

that was pretty cool, i had a go at this myself but ive heard so many better versions i dont think i’ll bother entering, this is my effort if you fancy a listen:

[quote]ekko (19/12/2010)[hr]that was pretty cool, i had a go at this myself but ive heard so many better versions i dont think i’ll bother entering, this is my effort if you fancy a listen:[/quote]

Hi ekko, thanks for your comment! I had the same idea but thought let’s just do it, i’m not deciding anyway. I like yours too, sounds groovy… :cool:

Hey dude, really nice techno version of this… Its defo got that driving appeal. REALLY like what you did the bassline… its got a lot more energy now, grittier… Very nice.

My mate Mylo Salté’s version is very nice! I heard it and was like “eh, defo not entering mine!” too lol! Wouldn’t see myself winning that with such good competition… Tho I might try and wrap a mixdown up and post it up here and see what you guys think.


[quote]adam kenny (20/12/2010)[hr]Hey dude, really nice techno version of this… Its defo got that driving appeal. REALLY like what you did the bassline… its got a lot more energy now, grittier… Very nice.

My mate Mylo Salté’s version is very nice! I heard it and was like “eh, defo not entering mine!” too lol! Wouldn’t see myself winning that with such good competition… Tho I might try and wrap a mixdown up and post it up here and see what you guys think.


he Adam,

thanks for your comment! I like getting some responds to my creations.

I know i will not win with this one but it will be my first entry in a competition and i find it nice that RH will listen to my tune… plus i get more ideas for arrangements by hearing remixes of the same song …

It’s all still just a nice learning process for me…

thanks again and i will look up your mates version and have a listen :slight_smile: