My first dubstep track... I know.. I know.. take a listen anyway

So… I’ve been producing now for 1 year. And honestly not not a big fan of dubstep… more of a progressive house guy.

Anyway, as a way to step out of my comfort zone I decided to try my hand and a dubstep track.

The Dirty South & Thomas Gold - Alive.

I wanted to try to have it really punchy but still save some dynamic range by not limiting the crap out of the track…

Anyway here it is take a listen to the preview and let me know what you think.

Edit: Full track now posted.

Dirty South, Thomas Gold - Alive (Haze ioN Lovestep Remix) by hazeion

You can definately hear the influence from your Prog House luvin in this one. I actually like this style of dubstep a lot more, the ones where the track is not centered around a bassline and a bassline only!

Nice work.

thanks Mistro.

I really wish there was more dubstep like this in hollywood! great work man! i can hear the influence of prog and the innovation of how you view dubstep.

Very nicely done.

I have to agree with the others. Nice use of prog/dub mix.