My first proper track

Hey guys,

Ok I’ve been learning since June thanks to Phils tutorials and some playing around with different plug ins etc.

I’ve made a couple of other tracks but not completely finished, just constantly learning new things, trying out new ideas, that kinda thing really.

Anyways i’ve done this track and i think i’m pretty much done, i probs still want to do a final work on all the levels but apart from that I’m pretty happy with it.

Please do give me your thoughts and feed back, remember critism is a good thing :smiley:

Many thanks!!

Hi roben listened to your track its a real good first effort man !sounds crisp and the break down is well put together although i think it needed abit of variation from the 303ish sound all in its a solid start dude …nice one:)

Hey there, quite liked the track and thought it might be nice with that cool breakdown being at the 1 minute mark instead of at 2.40 seeing as it made the next section kick a lot more.

love the bassline pattern… tracks raly funky.

might want to get more FX going… maybe some long filtered delays… really low in the mix just to get the atmosphere.

maybe a bit more percussion after breaks… or drop the hats for a bit give it more dynamics.

Cheers guys!! :smiley:

Your feedback was much appreciated :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I’ll try out some of those now.

Someone else said to me actually about adding some more effects, i had an idea for what i wanted but just couldn’t quite get the sound i was hoping for - a filtered down to almost whitish noise before the breakdown (a bit like if i was doing it on a DJ mixer) - i tried it with a couple of layers but just didn’t sound right, maybe if i rendered the whole last bar or two and then putting the filter over that render perhaps?

Cheers once again!!

OK updated! :slight_smile:

I’ve done what you said with the hats, and its defo given more of a nice build up and impact. Also added some delay to the stab whilst bringing it up before breakdowns to add some extra build ups.

Also worked some levels a bit more again.