My gear is gone update

Read this story…


If you would like to ask any questions, I would love to answer them. However, you will have to PM me for specifics and really only if you are a SA veteran. Hope everyone understands.


That’s simply the greatest thing I’ve ever f*cking read!!!

Good on you son, don’t call the police, call the boys and go take a trip over to his house to aleviate him of some teeth :slight_smile:

since when do crack heads have any teeth :slight_smile:

“Jim” - 1

Crooks - 0

Any update on this? Great story, hope it ends well for you.

Going to look into getting some software for this such as the following which was mentioned on that site:


This is sweet!




The guy that has my shiz is the one on the left…

Not joking, I got onto his myspace last night!!!

I’d set his camera up to stream and catch them doing something else nefarious, like smoking crack or something. That’ll really screw them over.

It’s FAT …loooooooooolllllllll…

but one serious thing …be carefull when he will go out from jail…:slight_smile:

He can’t be that tough, he’s black AND is smiling. Black people don’t smile in photos.


amazing story, im engrossed. when is the next episode

he don’t look all that howard, knock on his door and jam is teeth down the back of his throat

[quote]bryan spence (9/2/2009)[hr]amazing story, im engrossed. when is the next episode[/quote]

Well, I was on his myspace last night and got all the pictures off his MySpace account as well as getting his cell phone number from an email. Other then that, its just a waiting game until they confront the idiots.

if you have his email address and cell phone number sign him up for some call back gay chat lines, animal porn webistes, sign up for those marketing schemes that call you all the time.

Do these people not see the mouse moving or are you using it when you assume they arnt?

Something tells me this will be a 3 part trilogy!

[quote]g-hunter (9/2/2009)[hr]Do these people not see the mouse moving or are you using it when you assume they arnt?

Something tells me this will be a 3 part trilogy![/quote]

Yes and no. There is a window that pops up similar to a program. On a Mac, that program has to be active to use it. Same with Screen Sharing. I have controlled it, but I probably won’t anymore so as to not spook them away. But I went in and deleted a few things. I found that they already did that anyway. Here is me controlling their iSight to try to surprise them and take a picture of them using my computer. I later found this to be a bad idea and decided not to use it again. The picture is too big but you get the idea.

and trust me Jon, if I don’t get my shiz and the cops decide to take their good ol time I will be doing some crazy, crazy stuff. I will be doing transvestite dating services on craigslist for one. I do have a social security number. I can be pretty shady right there (although that might be a little out of my league). Her credit is wrecked anyway (believe me, I saw with my own eyes :wink: ).

[quote]g-hunter (9/2/2009)[hr]Do these people not see the mouse moving or are you using it when you assume they arnt?

Something tells me this will be a 3 part trilogy![/quote]

Yes and no. There is a window that pops up similar to a program. On a Mac, that program has to be active to use it. Same with Screen Sharing. I have controlled it, but I probably won’t anymore so as to not spook them away. But I went in and deleted a few things. I found that they already did that anyway. Here is me controlling their iSight to try to surprise them and take a picture of them using my computer. I later found this to be a bad idea and decided not to use it again.

gotta bump to the next page
