My Kick TIP

Ok lads…

This is the first tip I have ever posted here and i have no idea if its common knowledge or what but i was fiddlin around with sylenth the other day and found a way to build the exact kicks i have been looking for really easily and really quickly.

1… Load up an impulse and load in a basic kick sample that you think is a good basses for what you want to achieve, then tap in a four beat loop with that kick.

2… Duplicate the track you have just set up but drop a sylenth on it so it replaces the impulse,

Then slap a Pitch and a Chord on the sylenth track you just loaded up.

3…Go to the sylenth presets and load up “DR-KICK-BASIC” and press play so bothe the impulse and sylenth are playing together and just start tweaking… (now you have literally have 100’s of ways to manipulate the sound of the kick)

I am after getting some really solid kicks by just pitching a little bit and then just flicking through the chord presets…so im sure someone with quite a bit more experience with sylenth could knock out serious kicks by tweaking bits and bobs on there.


I hope i explained myself clearly (im not exactly the best with words tbh haha) and hope this can help someone out at some stage


Sylenth is great for making real full body kicks well worth playing around especially if you’re into the more minimal sounds were you need a clean kick.

Personally I dont like to synthesize my drums. However, if I want more of a presence, I will layer some white noise on the kick to give it a little click. Fast attack, short decay, no sustain, and maybe a SMALL amount of release. Play with it.

that’s what she said

hahaha, I agree with all of these tips. Operator is another really good synth to bust out drums on…