Hey allbr
This is my latest track.br
I think I may have compressed it a bit too much, but would love any feedback on it all (It all helps with the learning curve!)br
Ta br
iframe width=“100%” height=“166” scrolling=“no” frameborder=“no” src=“https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/tracks/126746400%3Fsecret_token%3Ds-pZvmXamp;color=ffe800amp;auto_play=falseamp;show_artwork=true”/iframebr
Edit: Right track now loaded!
It’s not my type of music, but I like it anyway. Very good build up you have there. And you nailed the middle break Nice vocals
Hey mate.br
Firstly i did really like the section where the piano chord riff plays with the vocal. The chord progression is spot on and some nice emotion created there.br
But my main problem with the track is the arrangement. For me, it feels very muddled, with lots of different parts playing, but some of them don’t really work well together in the context of the track.br
As a result, there’s no real tension or flow created in the track. Imagine it on a dancefloor - you would want to build up and up to those lovely piano chords as the release.br
Also the drums were a bit flat like you said and didn’t really pump and create the all important groove.br
Some good parts mate, but if it were me i would strip everything back to the piano chords and vocal and build everything back from there.
David ^^^ has some good points thats for sure, My input would be with the arp during the vocals, it fits really well and is a nice melody but it didn’t sound very detailed, don’t know whether the cut off was like a bit closed but it sounded like there was more sound to it than there was?br
Vocals - are nice work espec the bit at the start when it pans to the left a bit thats a real nice touch.br
Chords - Again really nice chords and had good emotion with them and synth was very well chosen IMO.br
Synths - They all worked well together so well done.br
And now i’ve forgot how the song goes so can’t write anymore (Sorry at work so this has taken me bout 45 minutes to write) If my boss asks any of you tho i was doin work k?br
Soldier on man plenty to be proud of but work on the mix a bit did sound slightly muddy at parts